Monday, April 26, 2010

My Family and Birthdays!

Some of my most favorite people!
(sis-in-law Steph, big bro. Josh, little bro. Jamison, dad, and mom)

I love my family and I sometimes really dislike being so far from them.
I grew up with 3 brothers and I always wanted a sister. My oldest brother married Stephanie and I finally have that sister I always wanted! She is amazing. She can cook and sew. She is so good to Josh. She is a great friend! I wish we lived a little closer so that we could chat more, and she could make me a cake on my birthday!
Josh is in the Coast Guard and is currently on a ship in Alaska! He is very cold and I know Stephanie misses him. He is working hard to support his little family at home.
Jamison, my teeny tiny and youngest brother turns 22 today! Happy Birthday Jamison! He is really not very tiny at all. He is 6 feet 6 inches tall and wears a size 16 shoe. His smile is just as big! He is hilarious and we love him!
My dad is the best! He loves my mom like crazy and is the best grandpa ever! My kids miss him so much.
My mom is 29 again today! It's her birthday too! Happy Birthday Mom! My mom is one of my best friends! She is great at sharing the latest news and one of the first people I call when something exciting happens. She has been a great example to me.

These are my peeps! I love them!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

You have a very cute family Jessica, and I didn't notice until today how much you look like your Mom. I remember seeing your parents at church one Sunday. They were sitting in front of us, and I was sure that whoever they were must have just recently gotten married because they seemed so happy together. Later when you told me that they were your parents, I was amazed. They seem like the cutest couple! You can tell that your Dad loves your Mom very much.