Monday, October 15, 2012


1. It's Monday and the car battery is dead. 

2. Ty is replacing it with a new one later this afternoon.

3. Friends and neighbors are driving my kids to and from school.

(This was Mia eating her breakfast cereal while wearing her Snow White bow)
 4. I am at home with these people:
Little Miss Zoey :)

 and Little Mister Zackary :)
They are pretty fun, and big helpers with laundry unfolding and cookie dough tasting.
 5. Speaking of cookie dough.
I am out of chocolate chips and since we cannot drive to the store to buy more maybe we will bake these:
Brown Butter Snickerdoodles! (recipe: HERE)

Have a great Monday!

1 comment:

Jessica Newman said...

-those cookies sound wonderful!